Under the influence of Satan, mankind can commit such horrific atrocities for the sake of power and money. We have seen that humanity has such a huge capability for hate and hurt. Just read through the book of Esther and the story of Haman who plotted to kill ALL the Jews throughout the entire empire of Xerxes because he was offended by one Jew, Mordecai, who would not bow down to him. Just one man’s pride could wipe out an entire ethnic group. Unimaginable, right! The modern day equivalent of this character would be that of Hitler who had the same devil on his shoulder. Haman’s depth of self-love and equally his hate for the Jewish people was vast, to say the least.

Yet, in that same historical account, we see a person who acted in the opposite spirit. What did that look like? What would a human look like under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Well, let us read on. Initially, upon hearing the decree, Esther feared for her own life, but when her uncle, Mordecai, pointed out to her that she might have been put in her position for this exact time, Esther set aside her fears and was willing to give her life for her WHOLE nation because of her love for her people. The depth of her selfless love matched that of Haman’s hate.
Once Esther acknowledged that she was placed by God in Xerxes’ court for such a time as this; once she surrendered to God’s calling on her life, she not only approached the king, but he was in such awe of her that he would have given her half his kingdom! (Maybe we should bathe for six months in some perfume, ladies, and see what effect that would have on the men in our lives ;-)) You see, when we walk in God’s will and our calling, the doors that have to open will open. Hearts will change and there will be favor, because it is God’s will.
Now imagine the planet-sized love of Jesus that He should die for a whole planet’s inhabitants; past, present and future inhabitants! And the great thing is, He did it as a human! He too had to face his fears, doubts and self-preservation in Gethsemane, but because of His unfathomable love for His Father and us, He set aside His life for you and me. This is the magical part of God’s plan for the salvation of humanity; all He did He did as a human. That means that we have the same capacity to overcome fears, doubts and self and to live selfless laid-down lives as He did.
What would humanity look like if each human with a renewed spirit, carrying the very likeness of God, would love like He does? Can you imagine what impact an army or group of selfless Esthers would have as they walk in the footsteps of Jesus? Beloved, you and I are made in His likeness and we carry His glorious Spirit in us, so we can and should love like He does. Rise up Esther, for you have been born for such a time as this!
1 John 3:16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers and sisters.
1 John 4:9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.