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Testimony: Love looks like something… but it may not always look like what you expect it to be

Writer's picture: Rui Qi LimRui Qi Lim

During a recent prayer walk in Wanchai, our team came across a group of men eating hotpot. I love hotpot and their spread of food looked so appealing I couldn’t help but comment as I walked by: “What a delicious meal! So good!”

To my surprise, one of them jumped up and enthusiastically invited us to join. They cooked food and heaped it into a bowl while urging us to sit. It was clear they were eager to connect so we accepted the offer. As conversation flowed and the uncles found out we were Christians, they curiously asked about God and shared their spiritual experiences. “Would I be able to become Christian?” “I’m interested in church.” “If I became Christian can I still…?” It was a lovely time together answering questions, getting to know one another, sharing about God and eating yummy hotpot! Before leaving, they welcomed us to join their future gatherings and said we’re all family. It was a very memorable night and reminded me that there is no formula to reaching the unsaved and sharing Jesus. Connecting with the lost can be a very natural thing of just being myself and letting God use that. I love that God made me someone who enjoys food and people and that I’m friendly and confident enough to meet strangers, share their meal and interact with them. At that time, I wasn’t even thinking I need to stop for the one or to be a blessing. I was simply being me. And that’s enough for God to use. It’s easy to expect love to look like what we’re used to. Often, we associate love with giving something away to bless others with. Yet these uncles showed me that’s not always the case. Love to them looked like us being willing to sit and receive their offer of food and friendship. Love that night also meant we didn’t care that they were simple everyday folks and were willing to humbly, thankfully accept what they had to give us because we saw the worth and value. I am convicted that love can also look like receiving what others have to offer instead of a one-sided giving coming from me. There are opportunities to love no matter where we are and what we’re doing. May we have a heart to recognize those moments regardless of what it may look like. May we shine His love and light ever so brightly wherever we are!

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